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2025 Library Board

SAPLboard2024 WEB

St. Albert Public Library is governed by a Board of seven volunteer trustees. Trustees are appointed by City Council for a 3-year term, with a 2 term maximum. The Board governs the Library under the authority of the Alberta Libraries Act.

The Board meets at 7:00 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month from September through June. Board meetings are open to the public. Anyone wishing to attend an upcoming board meeting can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to attend the meeting.

For more information, please contact Peter Bailey, CEO, St. Albert Public Library at 780-459-1681 or pbailey [@] sapl.ca

Library Board Members 2025

Angela Benowski

Angela Benowski

Angela was born and raised in St. Albert and, after moving away upon completing university, returned in 2018 with her family. She has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Alberta and works in the energy industry in Accounting/Finance. Angela is passionate about the value of vibrant libraries in our community and believes that libraries play a fundamental societal role in being an inclusive and welcoming space for all, fostering and developing a love of reading in young children, and by encouraging life-long learning. Angela feels fortunate to support our community by being a member of the Library Board.

Meagan Dechaine

Meagan Dechaine 

Co-Chair. Meagan moved to St. Albert in 2019. She and her family love attending the library to read together and to access the children's reading programs with her elementary school aged kids. Meagan currently works with the YMCA of Northern Alberta as a human resource professional. An avid volunteer, she has spent many hours volunteering for the Edmonton Public Library and is excited to have the opportunity to contribute to her community by serving on the Library Board.

Jennifer Freitas

Jennifer Freitas

Co-chair. Jennifer moved to St. Albert in 2021. She is a Chartered Professional Accountant and works in Internal Audit. Jennifer is passionate about giving back and is excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the St. Albert community by serving on the Library Board. Her gregarious personality and authentic passion translate into being a catalyst to inspire others, generate excitement and enthusiasm, take on challenges, and create momentum for new ideas. From Jennifer’s perspective, the library provides a pivotal role in the community with resources to support literacy and education as well as develop passion, creativity, and innovation for all individuals at any age. 

Sherry Love

Sherry Love

Sherry has lived in St. Albert since 1995. Her career with the Government of Alberta spanned many years where she has had the privilege of delivering frontline services, program policy planning and implementation for Albertans. Most recently she has garnered governance expertise through oversight and support to advisory and adjudicative boards throughout the province. Sherry is honoured to serve on the Library Board, believing libraries help build and shape healthy communities.

Dawn Kawahara

Darrell Manning

Darrell has lived in St. Albert since 2019. He has a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Toronto and is a Chartered Professional Accountant. Over his career, he held a diverse range of positions in strategic and financial planning, utility regulation and information technology. He is passionate about volunteering and is currently the board chair of Catalyst Theater. As an avid reader and longtime user of the public library, he is pleased to serve on the library board and values the opportunity it provides to contribute to the community. 

Deborah McTaggart-Baird

Jason Perry

Jason is originally from Ontario and moved to Alberta in 1996. He has lived in St. Albert since 2016. He retired in 2023 after a 28 year policing career, serving over 10 years with the RCMP and 17 plus years with the Edmonton Police Service. He is an avid reader who is on a continuing quest for knowledge. A library should be one of the ultimate places to seek out and study that knowledge. Becoming a member of the Library Board is a way to continue to serve his community and hopefully assist in instilling that same passion in others.

  Julie Mann-Johnson

Jamie Tereposky

Jamie has called St. Albert home since the age of five. Her love for the library began with the Summer Reading Game, which she now shares with her niece and nephew. She holds a Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts in Disaster and Emergency Management, and worked in healthcare internationally before returning home to focus on community and fund development in the non-profit sector. Jamie brings expertise in advocacy, community engagement, and strategic planning. She strives to eliminate barriers to ensure the library remains an inclusive space for connection and growth.