Hours and Locations
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Borrowing Items

You must present a valid Library card at each check out.

How long can I keep items for?

Material Loan Period
Books and Audiobooks, CDs, Magazines 3 weeks
DVDs, Blu-ray and Videogames (limit of six) 3 weeks
Quick Flicks movies (limit of six)  3 days
TV series on DVD

Bestseller Express (two items only)

HEAT, Storytime and BEAR kits

2 weeks
Radon Detector Kits 6 weeks
Book Club kits 6 weeks

Number of items you can borrow

  • Adults can borrow a maximum of 100 items at a time
  • Children can borrow a maximum of 25 items at a time
  • Young adults (13+) can borrow a maximum of 40 items at a time

Borrowing limits are different for digital resources and certain popular collections - please contact our Customer Service desk at the Downtown Library location at 780-459-1530 or at the Jensen Lakes Library location at 780-544-0444 for details.


Library members can place holds on items at any location by logging into the library website. You can manage your holds by logging into My Account.
  • Holds are available for pick up at both the Downtown Library and Jensen Lakes Library locations
    See our guide to Choosing a preferred pickup location for holds to learn how to set a location for your preferred pickup point
  • Book Club Kits are only available for pick up at the Downtown Library (two holds maximum for Book Club Kits). 
  • You can place holds on any circulating items except for Quick Flicks and Bestseller Express items
  • When your items are ready for pick up, we will call or email you to let you know
  • Holds will be held for seven days, after which they will be returned to the shelves or passed on to the next person with a hold on the item
  • Holds can only be checked out using the card belonging to the person who placed the hold
  • If you are going to be away and unavailable to pick up your holds, you can "pause" your holds without losing your place in line by logging into My Account

Number of holds per account

  • Adults can place a maximum of 30 holds on their account
  • Children can place a maximum of 10 holds on their account
  • Young adults (13+) can place a maximum of 15 holds on their account


The library provides a number of different methods to renew your library items, including:

  • From home by logging into My Account
  • Using the self-check machines or computers at either of the library's locations.
  • By phone by calling 780-459-2979 (you will need your Library barcode and PIN)
  • In person at a Customer Service Desk (you must present a valid Library card at the time of renewal)
  • Using the SAPL mobile app

There is a maximum limit of two renewals per item, except for the following:

  • No renewals: Items that have holds on them, Bestseller Express, Quick Flicks, Interlibrary Loans and Book Club Kits.
  • One renewal: Storytime, HEAT, and BEAR Kits

Please make sure you renew your items before midnight on the day your items are due to avoid overdue fees.

Returning Items

To know when your items are due:
  • Save your due-date receipts
  • Access the information on the library's website under My Account

24 hour bookdrops can be found at the following locations:

  • Downtown Library: at the back entrance to the library,  across from the Court House parking lot
  • Jensen Lakes Library: from the sidewalk, directly next to the front entrance; or inside the vestibule during open hours

An additional book drop at the Downtown Library is available inside St. Albert Place during operating hours

Overdue Fees

Material Charge per day
Adult/Young Adult books $0.30/day
Children's books $0.15/day
DVDs/Blu-ray/Quick Flicks $1/day
Bestseller Express $1/day
Videogames, Storytime, HEAT, and BEAR kits $1/day
Children's DVDs $0.50/day
Music CDs, audiobooks and Playaways $0.50/day
Book Club kits $3/day
Interlibrary Loans $1/day

The Library will issue an invoice for the replacement cost of any item that is overdue by 52 days. If you return the item, the fee is reduced to the maximum overdue fee for that item. The Library suspends borrowing privileges when fees owed equal or exceed $10. A collection agency may be used to collect debts of $50 or more.